Our Values


We treat others with empathy and act with sensibility, kindness and respect. In doing so, we strengthen our organization, build lasting relationships and create a foundation of trust and understanding.


We provide a safe and supportive environment for stories- and creative voices to flourish, facilitated by a constant quest for high quality. We embrace creativity, curiosity and playfulness in every facet of our organization.


True strength lies in collaboration and team spirit, a key is therefore openness. We are receptive to different perspectives and view criticism as an opportunity for improvement. Everyone should feel valued, heard and empowered to contribute their best.


We are passionate about achieving excellence and endure the hard work it usually entails. We are confident and do not let fear disrupt us. We see failure as an opportunity for learning and improvement.


We are adaptable and strive to evolve our thinking and behavior to meet the rapidly changing world. We are agile so we can respond effectively to challenges and help turn obstacles into opportunities.


Our commitment to wellbeing and evolution of social values, is reflected not only in our stories, but also in the way we operate. We have an ongoing self-examination to make sure we always act in harmony with people, society and the world around us. We aspire to live our values every day.

Our Culture

A joyful and safe work environment

Hope Studios creates safe, collaborative and creatively stimulating work environments. We recognise the importance of communication and access to support at every level, as well as the need to prioritise the wellbeing of all team members above all else. Regular staff meetings, employee interviews, active rehabilitation, occupational injury management and follow-up and revisions of action plans for the work environment are examples of activities.

Diversity, inclusion and equality

Hope Studios is committed to fairness and equity, offering opportunities for all, regardless of gender, background, ethnicity, or identity. We also have an ongoing process to make sure our projects are diverse on every axis – from storylines and casting to the team behind the work. We also support and participate in mentorship programmes with All of Us – find out more about their work here.


Environmental stewardship is a key focus of Hope Studios, and we factor this into all our project and company decisions. We aim to be sustainable and environmentally conscious in every sphere of our work. Each production will be submitted for Albert Certification (more details here), and all staff made aware of the commitment to its Carbon Action Plan.

"It's almost impossible to hate someone - when you've heard that person's story."

Our Values


We treat others with empathy and act with sensibility, kindness and respect. In doing so, we strengthen our organization, build lasting relationships and create a foundation of trust and understanding.


We provide a safe and supportive environment for stories- and creative voices to flourish, facilitated by a constant quest for high quality. We embrace creativity, curiosity and playfulness in every facet of our organization.


True strength lies in collaboration and team spirit, a key is therefore openness. We are receptive to different perspectives and view criticism as an opportunity for improvement. Everyone should feel valued, heard and empowered to contribute their best.


We are passionate about achieving excellence and endure the hard work it usually entails. We are confident and do not let fear disrupt us. We see failure as an opportunity for learning and improvement.


We are adaptable and strive to evolve our thinking and behavior to meet the rapidly changing world. We are agile so we can respond effectively to challenges and help turn obstacles into opportunities.


Our commitment to wellbeing and evolution of social values, is reflected not only in our stories, but also in the way we operate. We have an ongoing self-examination to make sure we always act in harmony with people, society and the world around us. We aspire to live our values every day.

Our Culture

A joyful and safe work environment

Hope Studios creates safe, collaborative and creatively stimulating work environments. We recognise the importance of communication and access to support at every level, as well as the need to prioritise the wellbeing of all team members above all else. Regular staff meetings, employee interviews, active rehabilitation, occupational injury management and follow-up and revisions of action plans for the work environment are examples of activities.

Diversity, inclusion and equality

Hope Studios is committed to fairness and equity, offering opportunities for all, regardless of gender, background, ethnicity, or identity. We also have an ongoing process to make sure our projects are diverse on every axis – from storylines and casting to the team behind the work. We also support and participate in mentorship programmes with All of Us – find out more about their work here.


Environmental stewardship is a key focus of Hope Studios, and we factor this into all our project and company decisions. We aim to be sustainable and environmentally conscious in every sphere of our work. Each production will be submitted for Albert Certification (more details here), and all staff made aware of the commitment to its Carbon Action Plan.

About us

Hope Studios is founded by its managing director Fredrik Wikström Nicastro. Below is a selection of Fredrik’s previous productions.